Análisis de diversos aspectos sociales, culturales y económicos bajo el enfoque antropológico.

Aporte de la Antropología al proceso administrativo y al desarrollo gerencial.

Metodología de la investigación

Proyecto de Investigación: pasos y procesos para la elaboración de un Proyecto de Investigación.

Desarrollo evolutivo del hombre

Desarrollo evolutivo del hombre
Desarrollo del proceso evolutivo del Hombre

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009


Annual Review of Anthropology
Vol. 31: 99-119 (Volume publication date October 2002)

First published online as a Review in Advance on May 10, 2002


Sidney W. Mintz1 and Christine M. Du Bois2

Anthropology Department, Emeritus, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218; email: SWMintz@aol.com

Department of International Health, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21205; email: cmdubois@alumni.princeton.edu ▪ Abstract

The study of food and eating has a long history in anthropology, beginning in the nineteenth century with Garrick Mallery and William Robertson Smith. This review notes landmark studies prior to the 1980s, sketching the history of the subfield. We concentrate primarily, however, on works published after 1984. We contend that the study of food and eating is important both for its own sake since food is utterly essential to human existence (and often insufficiently available) and because the subfield has proved valuable for debating and advancing anthropological theory and research methods. Food studies have illuminated broad societal processes such as political-economic value-creation, symbolic value-creation, and the social construction of memory. Such studies have also proved an important arena for debating the relative merits of cultural and historical materialism vs. structuralist or symbolic explanations for human behavior, and for refining our understanding of variation in informants' responses to ethnographic questions. Seven subsections examine classic food ethnographies: single commodities and substances; food and social change; food insecurity; eating and ritual; eating and identities; and instructional materials. The richest, most extensive anthropological work among these subtopics has focused on food insecurity, eating and ritual, and eating and identities. For topics whose anthropological coverage has not been extensive (e.g., book-length studies of single commodities, or works on the industrialization of food systems), useful publications from sister disciplines—primarily sociology and history—are discussed

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